When I brought the antenna back to the boat, we found another crack in the new antenna at the same area as the shipping package was damaged. West Marine is trying to get a new antenna in for me by tomorrow possibly. There was no good local anchoring areas in Deale so we headed north again to the West River to spend the night and will head back down to Deale if the antenna is available. We looked for anchoring south as something to do, but it appears that there is no areas until you get to Salomon Island.
As for entertainment in the evening we have been able to watch PBS for news and the Olympics. We are using my laptop with a Pinnacle TV Tuner that plugs into an usb port. We have played with different antenna options including a set of rabbit ears, the vhf antenna for the marina radio and the best option so far has been to hook a piece of antenna cable to the mast using an alligator clip. I am picking up both analog (old style) and digital TV stations.
The boat does feel like it is all coming together and we look forward to heading north. The projects are again getting smaller and it is more about fine tuning.
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